Monthly Archives: July 2017

BBQ at the Barker’s house 

On Saturday night we went to my friend Kate’s house for a BBQ. When we got there we made some slime. The colors that we could chose from were blue, purple, orange, yellow, green, and many more colors. I chose blue. Then Kate made some blue slime.

Then we went on their bounce house and played a game. Then we had dinner. For dinner we had bread and hot dogs. After dinner, we had dessert. For dessert we had brownies, ice cream, and tons of sprinkles. After dessert we tied up Kate’s brother Jonathan. Then it was time for us to go, so we hid from our parents. When the parents found us, we came out of hiding and said  goodbye. Then we left and went to bed. 

I hope that we can do this again!

Swimming is the best sport

I think that swimming is the best sport.

The first reason is that swimming is fun. I think swimming is fun because I love to swim in water. When I swim I feel relaxed.  

The second reason is that it gives you a lot of exercise. Exercise is good for you because it burns calories and it helps you stay in shape.

The last reason is that in swimming you don’t need a lot of equipment. In soccer you need clothes, socks, shin guards, and shoes, but in swimming you only need a swimsuit and goggles.

I hope that I have convinced you to go out and swim!

Starbursts are better than Hot Tamales

I think Starbursts are better than Hot Tamales.

One reason is that Hot Tamales are spicy, and I don’t like spicy things. I don’t like spicy things because they feel weird in my mouth.

Another reason is Hot Tamales only have one flavor, spicy cinnamon, and Starbursts have many flavors.

The last reason is that Starbursts come in a wrapper, so you have to unwrap them, so you eat them slower.

Now I hope I’ve convinced you to go get some Starbursts!

Mike and Ike candies are better than peanut M&M’S 

I think Mike and Ike’s are better than peanut M&M’S. 

The first reason is because peanuts are not my favorite nut. My favorite type of nut is candied pecans.

The second reason is beacause I don’t really like the taste of chocolate and nuts combined. I like nuts and chocolate separately, but not together.

The third reason is beacause I like the fruit flavor of Mike and Ike’s. The five flavors of Mike and Ike’s are lime, lemon, orange, cherry, and strawberry. My favorite flavor is orange.

In all, I feel that Mike and Ike’s are better than peanut M&M’S.

The Sound of Music

This morning I was in the the play “The Sound of Music.” I was a servant in the play. My friend Anna and Kate were in the show too. Anna was a kid and Kate was a nun. As far as I know, nobody missed their lines. I really enjoyed putting on this show. I was really nervous the first time I went on stage in this show. My favorite scene was the party scene. The people who came to see me in the show were my mom, my dad, my nana, and my favorite babysitter Nora. 

For my costume, I wore a black leotard and an apron. I also wore a headpiece around my head. The costume was not itchy. The headpiece had to be bobby pinned down. 

Next year come and see me in the show!

Surprise visit from Nora

Yesterday my old babysitter, Nora, came over.

When she got there we showed her the new ping pong table and played some ping pong with her. Then we showed her the cleaned up garage and offered her some snacks. Then she said, “Can I have a glass of lemonade?” I said, “Yes.” Then my sister poured her a glass of lemonade. Then we played a little more ping pong. Then we showed her the slackline. 

Then we went in the garage and painted. I painted flowers with dot art which is where you use the back of the brush to make dots. Nora painted a sunset over the Grand Canyon since she was just rafting in the Colorado river. 

Then it was time for Nora to go.   

Surprise Visit From Nora

Yesterday my old babysitter, Nora, came for a surprise visit. My mommy asked us to closed our eyes and then when we opened them we saw Nora. I felt really excited when I saw her. The last time we saw her was at Christmas.❄️  When I think of her I think of the gingerbread house we made.

When she got there we showed her our garage. Then when we asked her if she wanted a drink, she said “sure, I’ll have lemonade.”  After she got her drink, we played ping pong and jumped on the trampoline.

Ping pong table

Two days ago, we got a ping pong table. In summer, spring, and fall we are going to keep it in our back yard but in the winter we are going to keep it in the garage. 

The ping pong table is blue. There are three balls. I learned that in ping pong the games go up to 11 points and, you have to win by at least two points. You switch serves every two points. We have four paddles, so that mommy, daddy, juju, and I can all play together. All around the world people call it table tennis, but in the U.S. more people call it ping pong. 

I played ping pong with Juju, mommy, and daddy.  I think my mommy is the best player in the house right now. 

When I play ping pong I feel happy. 


In Bend, we went tubing on the Deschutes River. When we got there, we pumped up the tubes, and put on a lot of sunscreen.

When we got to the edge of the river, we put the tubes in the water, and sat in the tubes. When we sat in the tubes we could feel the cold water on our bottoms. Then we put the strings of the tubes around the handles on the other tubes, so we would not separate. Then the river pulled us downstream. We went under four bridges. There were rapids, but we did not want to go on them, so we walked around them. After the rapids, we got back on the tubes. Then we floated another twenty minutes before we got out of the river. 

You should really try tubing.

My trip to Bend 

This weekend I went to Bend with my dad and my sister. We drove there. When we got to my Aunt Mona’s place, we had a little snack. After we ate a little snack, she gave us a tour of the house, and showed us were we were going to sleep. Then we went to bed.

When we woke up, we had breakfast. Then we went to see a volcano. Then we took a shuttle to the top of Lava Butte. At the top we saw a lot of mountains. Then we took the shuttle back down to the place where we got on the bus. After we saw the volcano, we went to food trucks for lunch. Then we went back to where we were staying and relaxed until dinner time. 

Then we went to bed. In the morning, we had breakfast and packed up the car. Then we left.