Monthly Archives: January 2009


We’re counting down the days and busily preparing for baby #2’s arrival, reconfiguring the house for two kids and arranging alternating visits from Grandma Judy and Aunt Mona. Katherine’s latest ultrasound showed that our soon-to-be daughter is in the breech position which may add some complexity. We’re looking into a variety of methods in case she doesn’t turn around on her own. First up is an Eastern medicine technique called moxibustion, which combines a smoking mugwort herb with acupuncture at just the right spot on the side of Katherine’s little toe. Our obstetrician mentioned it and Stu loves saying the word so we had to try it. Our friend Deanna recommended an acupuncturist in San Francisco so we’ll give it a go this week. If that doesn’t work, our obstetrician will try manually rotating the baby (a.k.a. version) next week. And if she’s still breech then, it’ll be a c-section in early February.

Of course, we’ve also got recent pictures. Click below for some shots of Deanna, John and their lovely 7-month old daughter Marlow visiting us for dinner and a bath last night.

Claire and Marlow in the bath