Tag Archives: Juliet


Katherine’s family has been going to the YMCA of the Rockies family camp in Estes Park Colorado since before she was born. We’ve carried on the tradition, getting up there once every year or two and even extending the tradition to some of Stu’s family. Here are highlights including another birthday party for Claire, visiting our old standby the Bald Pate Inn, cooking around the cabin including Persian food, fun with bubbles on the deck, lots of hiking, and a group selfie.

Christmas 2013

We’ve fallen behind posting pictures here. Thanks to Katherine’s photo organizing skills, we’ll be posting a half dozen catch ups over the next week or so.

Christmas 2013 took us to both Houston and Oklahoma City to see family. In Houston, we visited the Johnson Space Center with the girls’ cousin Will and had a fun Christmas morning (new pajamas!). We also got to visit Katherine’s old friends the Taylors and see their girls. Then it was off to Oklahoma City for much fun with the family there involving another Christmas morning, bowling, baths, and of course cheerio covered waffles.

Juliet’s 4th Birthday

Juliet turned four in February and we celebrated in the usual way…. cupcakes and a bouncy house in the backyard!  It worked out that the best day for the party was Superbowl Sunday, so we had a football themed party with chili, inflatable footballs, and the game playing in the living room.  See below for all our pictures, including a fun one of Juliet telling her friend Jasper not to touch the cupcake she wanted, and a few shots at the end of the jewelry box from Grandma Judy.

Halloween 2012

Who’s there?
Boo Who?
Don’t cry, it’s only a ghost!

The girls got excited about knock-knock jokes this Halloween season. Other highlights of October included a visit to our local pumpkin patch, many fun parties with friends, and of course, trick-or-treating on Halloween night. Click on the photo of Claire and Juliet (aka Mermaid and Fishy) for a slideshow.

Winter 2012 catchup

Well it’s time to get caught up on a sizable inventory of photos from Winter fun, including making air-popped popcorn for our Friday night movie night, visiting San Francisco for a hike at Lands End park on the bluffs above the Golden Gate Bridge, enjoying our new West family tradition of weekly video conferences, going on a guided walking tour of a nearby elephant seal preserve, Valentine’s day, playing in the backyard, Juliet’s new bicycle, and the girls first indoor rock climbing experience at our local YMCA. For a slideshow, click on the picture of the girls in matching fleece jammies carrying their dolls in their backpacks.

Juliet’s Third Birthday

Juliet turned three and we celebrated in style, with lots of cupcakes (in two batches) and a party with her friends. Highlights included playing in the backyard, taking lots of pictures, and wearing lots of frosting. Juliet also switched out of her crib and into a big girl bed…. sharing a room with her big sister! Click on the picture of Juliet eyeing her birthday cupcake and candle for a slideshow which includes a video of singing Happy Birthday.