Monthly Archives: September 2008

Help wanted

We want our dedicated blog readers to be among the first to know that Katherine is pregnant. Our second baby girl is due to arrive in mid-February. We had the big 20-week ultrasound today — see below for a picture of her rubbing her eyes!

Claire has asked us to collect applications from aunts, uncles, grandparents, and friends interested in entertaining her early next year. She’s partial to long walks around the neighborhood, swinging in the park, and eating sand. Must be able to multitask efficiently, dice avocados, and wipe dried squished peas off the kitchen floor while her parents adapt to her little sister.

Number two

Taiwan trip

I recently returned from a trip with my Tetra Tech friend Chih-fang (Claire’s 志芳阿姨) to visit her family in Taiwan. We started off with a day in Taipei, then headed south on the high speed rail to visit her sisters and brother in Kaohsiung and her parents in Meinong. We also took a two-day trip to the east coast of the island, to a beautiful rift valley. We stayed in the town of Yuli, where Chih-fang’s cousin Jamie teaches in a primary school. Here, we visited Yushan National Park and a mountainside covered in lilies. Of course, throughout the trip we managed to enjoy one of my favorite Taiwanese delicacies, bubble tea (珍珠奶茶). I had a great trip and everyone I met was extremely warm and friendly (and liked to comment on my height!).  I was, however, glad to return home and see Claire waiting for me just outside customs.  Click on the photo for a slideshow, and be sure to click the ‘Info On’ button on the top of the screen for a description of each picture.

Dumplings in Taipei