Labor Day in Wyoming

We spent Labor Day weekend this year in Jackson, Wyoming, visiting our friends the Revills who moved there from the Bay Area this summer. We had a great time with Joel and Kristin and their children Anna and Sam. The Stricklins joined us as well, bringing John, Deanna and their children Marlow plus the twins Liam and Jacqueline. With six children under five years old, and Anna playing den mother at eight years old, it was quite a crazy weekend. Highlights included Juliet and Claire watching movies on an iPad during our drive to Jackson, a bathtub full of kids, playing in the yard, hiking along the Snake River, the kids playing dress-up, roasting s’mores, and long dinners for the adults late into the evening. Click on the picture of Juliet and Claire ‘riding horses’ in the Revills backyard for a slideshow.

Juliet and Claire riding horses in the Revill's backyard

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